Sarah writes:
"Mark my words - tomorrow is the game changer! Tune in to hear common sense solutions that bury the false accusations that conscientious members of Congress have no solutions to meet America's health care challenges. If you're like me, shaking your head wondering why all the miscommunication between Washington and the American people who have been saying, "Please hear what we're saying about our desire for health care reform," then tomorrow will be a refreshing time of clarity for all. All Americans, and especially colleagues of House Republican Leader John Boehner: please listen to tomorrow's weekly GOP national address.
Rep. Boehner will highlight a common sense alternative to Speaker Pelosi's 1,990-page government takeover of health care. I urge you to watch for it. For a preview, go to: You'll hear solutions. You'll hear of real choices based on America's proven free-market principles. You'll know once and for all what the GOP and Independents have been saying all along about alternatives to another big government take over.
After tomorrow, you'll know that accusations against the GOP and Independents for not providing solutions are false. Those claims are bogus. There are alternatives. Tune in to Rep. Boehner's address tomorrow to hear them. I look forward to the game changer!
Sarah Palin
With Sarah Palin becoming more involved on the important issues we are facing today, I do hope this spells out the birth of a new conservative movement within the Republican Party. It is painfully obvious that engaging in middle of the road bipartisanship with Liberal Democrats is futile and leads to policies that most Americans find absurd. "Socialism light" is still socialism and try as they may to convince us, that is not who we are as a nation. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get the message out that there are common sense alternatives to these massive healthcare bills being hand-trucked around the halls of congress. The mainstream media has become little more than the propaganda arm of the White House and if the White House says the GOP has offered no alternatives, then ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, et al, assume it must be true.
The fact is there were hundreds of GOP amendments to the legislation offered during the process and nearly everyone were shot down by the controlling party. The Democrats keep singing the same old song that Obama was elected because of healthcare reform but the truth is, his campaign promises on health care could be kept with seven minor pieces of legislation that would contain roughly ten to fifteen pages each. Obviously, the details hidden in this massive bill far exceeds anything Obama promised and actually breaks several of the specific promises made to you about what this bill would include and what this bill would not do.
This massive bill is designed wholly to force America into a government run, universal, single payer system; a system that America has said it does not want since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. I know the President has said over and over that if we like the insurance we have we can keep it. However, page 91 and 92 of the new bill spell out a transition period for people with non-employer provided coverage to be shifted into the public plan. Employer based plans can only earn "grandfather" status if they meet the criteria of an "acceptable plan" through standards set by this plan. For those of you that aren't familiar with "grandfathering", that simply means that you can keep your current employer based plan provided it is first acceptable to the government and secondly, provided that nothing in that plan changes. Well we all know that employer based plans are renegotiated annually so the most you can hope for is a year before your plan is no longer "an existing plan" under the terms of this bill.
The President promised that your taxes would not be raised "One Dime" under this plan. Understand that this President more that any of his predecessors is a master of semantics. He is correct that this plan will not raise your taxes one dime. The fact that your taxes will rise many thousands of dimes maybe be a deception but in his eyes, is not a broken promise. Private analysis has determined that premiums for private insurance will triple under this plan, taxes placed on medical device manufacturers will drive the cost of care even higher and payroll taxes on your employer may not be a direct tax on you, but those taxes will directly affect you. Those same private studies estimate that five million jobs will be lost as a direct result of the passage of this bill as employers make cuts to try and remain profitable under the weight of the new mandated taxes.
What many do not realize is that the public plan will have a means tested premium structure. Those that earn more, pay more and in fact, will subsidize those that earn less. By the definition in ever dictionary I looked in, that is a tax and that tax begins at 140% of the Federal poverty level which is itself a scale starting at $10,400 for a single person and ending at $35,600 for a family of eight. It looks like an awful lot of people under $250,000 will be paying these premiums that are in essence, a tax. Congress wants to make sure the President can keep his promise of not raising taxes so the bill has an innovative way to accomplish that. All they had to do was include language that said that taxes collected under this plan will not be called a tax. See that was easy! We'll just call those taxes something else and the President has kept his promise.
The President also promised he would not sign a bill that was not budget neutral. In other words, all of the tax increases and spending cuts would have to be equal to the overall cost of the bill. Well, Congress has neat trick for that too. This bill collects revenues and imposes cuts five years before the first expenditures are made. The idea that it represents a ten billion dollar savings in the first ten years would tell anyone that the next ten years should be five-hundred billion dollars in the red and that is if the cuts actually take place; something the Congress has never, ever done in all of the previous bills where cuts were promised.
If the bill passes, insurance and healthcare costs will rise; there will be massive tax increases, private insurance will be forced out of business; not everyone is covered and it will add trillions to the column of unfunded government entitlement program liabilities that is already over one-hundred trillion dollars. So why are we doing this? Because it is not about lower costs for you. It is not about the uninsured. It is not about healthcare at all. It is because Federal entitlement programs are bankrupt and without massive new revenue sources they will cease to exisit. Those revenues are only possible if everyone is in those programs at one level or another. Those revenues are only possible if we are foolish enough to let our freedoms dwindle away one government program after another.
Rep. Boehner will highlight a common sense alternative to Speaker Pelosi's 1,990-page government takeover of health care. I urge you to watch for it. For a preview, go to: You'll hear solutions. You'll hear of real choices based on America's proven free-market principles. You'll know once and for all what the GOP and Independents have been saying all along about alternatives to another big government take over.
After tomorrow, you'll know that accusations against the GOP and Independents for not providing solutions are false. Those claims are bogus. There are alternatives. Tune in to Rep. Boehner's address tomorrow to hear them. I look forward to the game changer!
Sarah Palin
With Sarah Palin becoming more involved on the important issues we are facing today, I do hope this spells out the birth of a new conservative movement within the Republican Party. It is painfully obvious that engaging in middle of the road bipartisanship with Liberal Democrats is futile and leads to policies that most Americans find absurd. "Socialism light" is still socialism and try as they may to convince us, that is not who we are as a nation. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get the message out that there are common sense alternatives to these massive healthcare bills being hand-trucked around the halls of congress. The mainstream media has become little more than the propaganda arm of the White House and if the White House says the GOP has offered no alternatives, then ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, et al, assume it must be true.
The fact is there were hundreds of GOP amendments to the legislation offered during the process and nearly everyone were shot down by the controlling party. The Democrats keep singing the same old song that Obama was elected because of healthcare reform but the truth is, his campaign promises on health care could be kept with seven minor pieces of legislation that would contain roughly ten to fifteen pages each. Obviously, the details hidden in this massive bill far exceeds anything Obama promised and actually breaks several of the specific promises made to you about what this bill would include and what this bill would not do.
This massive bill is designed wholly to force America into a government run, universal, single payer system; a system that America has said it does not want since the days of Teddy Roosevelt. I know the President has said over and over that if we like the insurance we have we can keep it. However, page 91 and 92 of the new bill spell out a transition period for people with non-employer provided coverage to be shifted into the public plan. Employer based plans can only earn "grandfather" status if they meet the criteria of an "acceptable plan" through standards set by this plan. For those of you that aren't familiar with "grandfathering", that simply means that you can keep your current employer based plan provided it is first acceptable to the government and secondly, provided that nothing in that plan changes. Well we all know that employer based plans are renegotiated annually so the most you can hope for is a year before your plan is no longer "an existing plan" under the terms of this bill.
The President promised that your taxes would not be raised "One Dime" under this plan. Understand that this President more that any of his predecessors is a master of semantics. He is correct that this plan will not raise your taxes one dime. The fact that your taxes will rise many thousands of dimes maybe be a deception but in his eyes, is not a broken promise. Private analysis has determined that premiums for private insurance will triple under this plan, taxes placed on medical device manufacturers will drive the cost of care even higher and payroll taxes on your employer may not be a direct tax on you, but those taxes will directly affect you. Those same private studies estimate that five million jobs will be lost as a direct result of the passage of this bill as employers make cuts to try and remain profitable under the weight of the new mandated taxes.
What many do not realize is that the public plan will have a means tested premium structure. Those that earn more, pay more and in fact, will subsidize those that earn less. By the definition in ever dictionary I looked in, that is a tax and that tax begins at 140% of the Federal poverty level which is itself a scale starting at $10,400 for a single person and ending at $35,600 for a family of eight. It looks like an awful lot of people under $250,000 will be paying these premiums that are in essence, a tax. Congress wants to make sure the President can keep his promise of not raising taxes so the bill has an innovative way to accomplish that. All they had to do was include language that said that taxes collected under this plan will not be called a tax. See that was easy! We'll just call those taxes something else and the President has kept his promise.
The President also promised he would not sign a bill that was not budget neutral. In other words, all of the tax increases and spending cuts would have to be equal to the overall cost of the bill. Well, Congress has neat trick for that too. This bill collects revenues and imposes cuts five years before the first expenditures are made. The idea that it represents a ten billion dollar savings in the first ten years would tell anyone that the next ten years should be five-hundred billion dollars in the red and that is if the cuts actually take place; something the Congress has never, ever done in all of the previous bills where cuts were promised.
If the bill passes, insurance and healthcare costs will rise; there will be massive tax increases, private insurance will be forced out of business; not everyone is covered and it will add trillions to the column of unfunded government entitlement program liabilities that is already over one-hundred trillion dollars. So why are we doing this? Because it is not about lower costs for you. It is not about the uninsured. It is not about healthcare at all. It is because Federal entitlement programs are bankrupt and without massive new revenue sources they will cease to exisit. Those revenues are only possible if everyone is in those programs at one level or another. Those revenues are only possible if we are foolish enough to let our freedoms dwindle away one government program after another.