Nominated for Best New Political Blog of 2009


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anita Dunn and the Ministry of Idiotic Remarks

As in the old movies about Ali Baba and the Arabian Nights, I feel as though we are suffering the death of ten-thousand cuts. The efforts on the part of the Obama administration to forward his socialist agenda are relentless and just watching the news these days has become nerve wracking. Since I am convinced that nothing these people do is coincidental, I am assuming that this sensory overload is part of the strategy to wear people out and dissolve our resistance to his plans.

Now we have Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director taking Van Jones place as the “Minister of Idiotic Remarks”. Do these people not have filters or are they so convinced that America is ready for socialism that we would welcome people that openly proclaim their admiration for Mao Zedong any where near the White House? On June 5, 2009, Ms. Dunn delivered a speech to a group of high school students in which she stated "... two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point...”

So when did a mass murderer and communist revolutionary become a “political philosopher”? Mao's policies and political purges from 1949-1975 are widely believed to have caused the deaths of roughly seventy-million people. That is five million more than all the deaths attributed to World War II. Van Jones at least had the decency to tell us quite plainly, that he was a communist but when Anita Dunn was caught on film making a statement like this, her only answer so far is that she was “only kidding.” This is from the same crowd that as recently as last week, were throwing fits over a film clip taken from a docudrama of Hitler’s final days in the bunker where text was dubbed in over the film suggesting that he was in a rant over Senate Democrats dropping the “public option”. If Anita Dunn can joke about Mao Zedong then I would imagine that Hitler humor would be equally acceptable.

Any rational person knows that Hitler is not appropriate material for jokes about political discourse and neither is Mao Zedong. She claims that it was actually a quote she ironically “picked up” from the late Republican strategist, Lee Atwater. Mr. Atwater, as politicians often do, quoted many people from history including Mao Zedong, but he never said that Zedong was a “political philosopher”, favorite or otherwise. Ms. Dunn apparently has the same issues with telling the truth that her boss does.

The truth is, I don’t believe she was joking. I honestly believe that she does consider Zedong one of her favorite political philosophers. Look at the company she keeps in the White House. Van Jones. Oh I know he resigned from his position as “green jobs” Czar but since there are no updates as to his whereabouts and his bio on web sources has still not been updated, it makes me wonder if his public resignation as green jobs Czar opened another door for him somewhere in a hidden recess of the Obama “shadow” government.

Jones, a self avowed communist, advocated the use of environmental legislation to take money from Peter to pay…well, ACORN, SEIU and a hundred other Community based programs and organizations in the largest scheme to redistribute wealth since Johnson’s “Great Society”. He was unashamed as he spouted out racial venom while he described his plans to mutate climate legislation into a giant pot of cash to fund his twisted idea of long overdue social justice.

Then there is John Holdren. Oh I’m sure he admires Mao Zedong as well. After all, Holdren co-authored a book that spelled out the dangers of over population and the draconian methods he would use to reduce the population before we further endanger the planet. Nothing was out of the question including using the weight of government to force abortion and sterilization. Redefining abortion so that we could “expediently” eliminate mentally challenged children up to the age of two and withholding live saving care from elderly individuals that were no longer productive members of society. Actually, Holdren probably doesn’t admire Zedong because I doubt he would think that Mao went far enough to solve the overpopulation problem. In Mr. Holdren’s estimation, seventy-million is two or three billion short.

Let’s not forget Cass Sunstein our “regulatory” Czar. Cass is another one that thinks that American wealth should be redistributed, not to minority communities but to the entire third world. The vehicle for that redistribution? The climate bill of course. It looks like Cass and Van will have to play “rock, paper, scissors” to see who wins that argument; then again, maybe not. I’m sure the climate bill will generate enough in fines, fees and taxes to cover both schools of thought and Carol Browner will see to that.

Carol Browner is our “global warming” Czar; or at least she was since that title may change. Now that data is leaking out that Al Gore kind of stretched the truth about global warming the left is leaning towards the term “climate change” instead of global warming. You see, the highest recorded temperatures took place during the 1930’s and the temperature has been dropping since then. Then there is that nasty little “inconvenient truth” that there appears to be an increase of seasonal ice at the poles instead of a decrease. In Antarctica, while the northern shore shows receding ice, that pesky southern shore is accumulating an additional five feet of thickness in the ice cap per year.

Anyway, Carol Browner doesn’t really care about the legislative process. She has already made her intentions known. Both Carol Browner and Al Gore said that if cap and trade are not passed and if the UN climate pact is not ratified that they will take their case before the Supreme Court to force implementation of the most insidious parts of these legislative nightmares under existing EPA authority. Ms. Browner knows all about the EPA. She was the EPA Chief under both terms of Bill Clinton’s Presidency. In fact, when she left that office as George W. Bush was sworn in, Ms. Browner and other high ranking officials of the EPA deleted all of the files on the computers in violation of a court order to protect that data. The EPA was subsequently sited for contempt of court but no one has been able to answer what those files consisted of or why they felt it was so important to dispose of them. Could it possibly have been accurate climate data? The data Al Gore has been feverishly working to dismiss as rubbish?

Many Congressmen are concerned about the “Czar situation”. Senator Richard Byrd actually wrote a letter to the White House stating his concerns that the Czars have escaped the Constitutional mandate for Congressional oversight and have engaged in activities that are in fact, obscuring and withholding vital information from Congressional committees.

But many would still accuse me of being over-dramatic and alarmist. Why would I believe that Anita Dunn is suspect simply because of her remarks concerning Mao Zedong? If the few radical Czars I mentioned above (and there are more) do not sway you, then what about the friends of Obama that could never have made it into the White House no matter how much he would have loved to have them at his side? Bill Ayers, co-founder of the radical domestic terror cell, the Weather Underground. Obama launched his campaign for the Presidency from Mr. Ayers’ living room. To spite Obama’s assertions that he “barely knew” Bill Ayers, it appears now that Mr. Ayers also helped Obama write his book “Dreams from my Father”.

The other co-founder of the Weather Underground was Jeff Jones. Jeff Jones is the chair of the New York chapter of the Apollo Alliance of which our dear friend Van Jones is a member of the board. The Apollo Alliance was recently credited by Harry Reid with assisting your legislators in writing key portions of the Stimulus Bill. The same Stimulus Bill that will eventually funnel up to eight and a half billion dollars to community based organizations such as ACORN and the Apollo Alliance. The same Stimulus Bill that John Conyers, actually most of Congress, didn’t have the time to read before they voted on it.

The associations with this President read like a “who’s who” of radical Marxism and now we are supposed to believe that Anita Dunn was only joking about her admiration for Mao Zedong? That is the real joke; and a really, really bad joke at that.


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