So here we are. Another nail-biter as Harry Reid prepares to see if he can “pull a Pelosi” and force a vote on healthcare in yet another Saturday session. We have all seen the crazy things in this legislation and outside of the Democratic Party, there are few good things to be said about it. The National Debt has just topped twelve trillion dollars and the CBO estimates on the debt say it will double to twenty-four trillion by 2019. The sad part is their estimates do not include anything from the Healthcare or Cap and Trade/Climate bills.
Oh yes, Reid says it is “budget neutral” but the House already passed a separate contingency bill to cover the so-called “doctor fix”. That is an additional $270 billion dollars that should have been part of the healthcare bill but they decided to peel that off and pass it separately. If it were included, the healthcare bill wouldn’t be budget neutral anymore and that wouldn’t do. In just another slight of hand from the criminals in Congress, they just snuck that through while you weren’t looking so the CBO could give healthcare a favorable projection. That doesn’t change the fact that the CBO has been historically wrong on everything they score and the miscalculations end up costing the taxpayers seven to ten times more than the legislation was originally scored at.
So if this is such a bad bill, the “worst bill ever written” according to the Wall Street Journal, then why are the Democrats still pushing for this? Don’t forget that this is not the Democratic Party your father knew. That was the party of the blue collar American; the Party of JFK and Truman. The Democratic Party is now the home of the left of the left; the political radicals. All eighty-three members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are Democrats and the progressive agenda is a verse and chapter copy of the socialist movement.
Universal healthcare is one of the master links in the chains of socialist control. Many progressives in Congress have openly admitted that a “public option” is the best way to achieve a single payer, universal healthcare system because at the heart of the public option is a subsidized payment structure designed to drive private insurance out of business. The elimination of private insurance is critical to their plan because the goal is not really your care but rather, the nationalization of a huge segment of the United States economy. The next target is the energy industry through cap and trade.
Cap and Trade, otherwise known as the Climate bill, will decimate the coal and oil industries in this nation leaving the technological drive to clean energy in the hands of the government. The Climate bill will create a gap in energy production that will force the government to curb your personal usage as yet another government created crisis befalls the American people. If cap and trade become law, the effect on American industry will be catastrophic and then it will be a short step for the government to step in and take over entire industries for the “good of the nation” and this ties right in with our new Presidents fundamental ideas.
If you recall, Obama isn’t just the President of the United States. He is the first President that understands our global obligations. He reaches out to terrorists and dictators so we can finally have a dialogue with them. He is (in his own words) the first “Pacific” President, kowtowing to Asian interests. He is the first President that admitted in his own memoirs that he gravitated towards Marxist professors in college and that obviously proved helpful to him as he taught the strategies of Saul Alinsky when he became a professor himself. He has surrounded himself with left leaning radicals that share the common goal of a global socialist system of government and economics.
As he prepared for his run for the Presidency, Obama was asked if he believes in reparations for slavery. I have to at least say he was honest when he replied “No, I don’t believe in reparations because reparations don’t go far enough.” He is a man of his word because the agenda his administration is championing is a single-minded drive for the largest redistribution of wealth in American history. That redistribution is not the old Robin Hood principals of LBJ that stole from the rich and gave to the poor right here in America. Obama’s plan reaches far beyond that and cap and trade is ultimately a tool to redistribute large portions of America’s wealth and industrial capabilities to foreign countries. Of course our largest corporations (and Obama contributors) like GE don’t mind because they are multi-nationals and American money flowing into nations with no existing infrastructure would mean huge opportunities for them no matter what happens to the folks at home.
Just ask yourself one question….if Obama was not a global Marxist at heart would he have appointed so many blatantly radical Marxists to positions of power within his administration? We’ve already talked about Carol Browner, Climate Czar and former member of Socialist International and John Holdren, Science Czar and author of books that espoused forced sterilization and forced abortion to limit population growth but who have we forgotten?
Ron Bloom, Obama administration, Manufacturing Czar:
“Generally speaking, we get the joke. We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to game the system, to beat the market or at least find someone who will pay you a lot of money, 'cause they're convinced that there is a free lunch. We know this is largely about power, that it's an adults only no limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun. And we get it that if you want a friend you should get a dog.”
Anita Dunn, Obama administration, White House Communications Director:
"... two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point...”
Van Jones, Obama administration, Former Green Jobs Czar:
“This movement is deeper than a solar panel! Deeper than a solar panel! Don't stop there! Don't stop there! We're gonna change the whole system! We're gonna change the whole thing. We want a new system. We want a new system!”
Mark Lloyd, Obama Administration, FCC Chief Diversity Officer:
"In Venezuela, with Chavez, is really an incredible revolution - a democratic revolution. To begin to put in place things that are going to have an impact on the people of Venezuela….The property owners and the folks who then controlled the media in Venezuela rebelled - worked, frankly, with folks here in the U.S. government - worked to oust him. But he came back with another revolution, and then Chavez began to take very seriously the media in his country. “
"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.”
Lloyd is in fact a Saul Alinsky disciple. In his 2006 book entitled “Prologue to a Farce: Communication and Democracy in America”, he calls for an all-out "confrontational movement" against private media. He wants leftist activists - through incessant political pressure - and the government - through the creation of a totally untenable operating environment of fees, fines and regulations - to work together to force the commercial broadcasters out, to be replaced by public broadcasters.
It is clear through his own statements that he admires socialist dictator Hugo Chavez and intends to “tweak” our First Amendment to insure that those pesky journalists, radio personalities and yes, even bloggers won’t interfere in Obama’s own “incredible revolution”. If threatening the First Amendment isn’t enough to scare you, did you notice that little dig about the “private land owners” in Venezuela that tried to oust Chavez? I have learned the hard way that nothing these people say is an accident and if he felt the need to refer to private land owners in a passing comment, you can be damned sure that personal property rights are just as much in question now as private healthcare insurance is.
According to Columnist Paul R. Hollrah, "After arriving at Occidental College (in Los Angeles), Obama chose his friends carefully. He tells us in his memoir that, among his friends he included "the more politically active black students, foreign students, Chicanos, Marxist professors, feminists, and punk rock performance poets."
"Then, after transferring to Columbia University two years later, he found that "political discussions, the kind that at Occidental had once seemed so intense and purposeful," took on the flavor of the "socialist conferences" he sometimes attended at New York's Coopers Union.""As Obama was preparing to graduate from Columbia he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Finally, in 1983, he decided to follow in the footsteps of one of his heroes, radical leftist and communist fellow traveler, Saul Alinsky.
Andy Stern, another believer in Alinsky and President of SEIU, has visited the White House twenty-two times since Obama was sworn in. This is the same Andy Stern that was recently quoted as saying “Workers of the world unite is no longer just a saying.” Hmmm? I wonder what he meant by that?
Oh yes, Reid says it is “budget neutral” but the House already passed a separate contingency bill to cover the so-called “doctor fix”. That is an additional $270 billion dollars that should have been part of the healthcare bill but they decided to peel that off and pass it separately. If it were included, the healthcare bill wouldn’t be budget neutral anymore and that wouldn’t do. In just another slight of hand from the criminals in Congress, they just snuck that through while you weren’t looking so the CBO could give healthcare a favorable projection. That doesn’t change the fact that the CBO has been historically wrong on everything they score and the miscalculations end up costing the taxpayers seven to ten times more than the legislation was originally scored at.
So if this is such a bad bill, the “worst bill ever written” according to the Wall Street Journal, then why are the Democrats still pushing for this? Don’t forget that this is not the Democratic Party your father knew. That was the party of the blue collar American; the Party of JFK and Truman. The Democratic Party is now the home of the left of the left; the political radicals. All eighty-three members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are Democrats and the progressive agenda is a verse and chapter copy of the socialist movement.
Universal healthcare is one of the master links in the chains of socialist control. Many progressives in Congress have openly admitted that a “public option” is the best way to achieve a single payer, universal healthcare system because at the heart of the public option is a subsidized payment structure designed to drive private insurance out of business. The elimination of private insurance is critical to their plan because the goal is not really your care but rather, the nationalization of a huge segment of the United States economy. The next target is the energy industry through cap and trade.
Cap and Trade, otherwise known as the Climate bill, will decimate the coal and oil industries in this nation leaving the technological drive to clean energy in the hands of the government. The Climate bill will create a gap in energy production that will force the government to curb your personal usage as yet another government created crisis befalls the American people. If cap and trade become law, the effect on American industry will be catastrophic and then it will be a short step for the government to step in and take over entire industries for the “good of the nation” and this ties right in with our new Presidents fundamental ideas.
If you recall, Obama isn’t just the President of the United States. He is the first President that understands our global obligations. He reaches out to terrorists and dictators so we can finally have a dialogue with them. He is (in his own words) the first “Pacific” President, kowtowing to Asian interests. He is the first President that admitted in his own memoirs that he gravitated towards Marxist professors in college and that obviously proved helpful to him as he taught the strategies of Saul Alinsky when he became a professor himself. He has surrounded himself with left leaning radicals that share the common goal of a global socialist system of government and economics.
As he prepared for his run for the Presidency, Obama was asked if he believes in reparations for slavery. I have to at least say he was honest when he replied “No, I don’t believe in reparations because reparations don’t go far enough.” He is a man of his word because the agenda his administration is championing is a single-minded drive for the largest redistribution of wealth in American history. That redistribution is not the old Robin Hood principals of LBJ that stole from the rich and gave to the poor right here in America. Obama’s plan reaches far beyond that and cap and trade is ultimately a tool to redistribute large portions of America’s wealth and industrial capabilities to foreign countries. Of course our largest corporations (and Obama contributors) like GE don’t mind because they are multi-nationals and American money flowing into nations with no existing infrastructure would mean huge opportunities for them no matter what happens to the folks at home.
Just ask yourself one question….if Obama was not a global Marxist at heart would he have appointed so many blatantly radical Marxists to positions of power within his administration? We’ve already talked about Carol Browner, Climate Czar and former member of Socialist International and John Holdren, Science Czar and author of books that espoused forced sterilization and forced abortion to limit population growth but who have we forgotten?
Ron Bloom, Obama administration, Manufacturing Czar:
“Generally speaking, we get the joke. We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to game the system, to beat the market or at least find someone who will pay you a lot of money, 'cause they're convinced that there is a free lunch. We know this is largely about power, that it's an adults only no limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun. And we get it that if you want a friend you should get a dog.”
Anita Dunn, Obama administration, White House Communications Director:
"... two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point...”
Van Jones, Obama administration, Former Green Jobs Czar:
“This movement is deeper than a solar panel! Deeper than a solar panel! Don't stop there! Don't stop there! We're gonna change the whole system! We're gonna change the whole thing. We want a new system. We want a new system!”
Mark Lloyd, Obama Administration, FCC Chief Diversity Officer:
"In Venezuela, with Chavez, is really an incredible revolution - a democratic revolution. To begin to put in place things that are going to have an impact on the people of Venezuela….The property owners and the folks who then controlled the media in Venezuela rebelled - worked, frankly, with folks here in the U.S. government - worked to oust him. But he came back with another revolution, and then Chavez began to take very seriously the media in his country. “
"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.”
Lloyd is in fact a Saul Alinsky disciple. In his 2006 book entitled “Prologue to a Farce: Communication and Democracy in America”, he calls for an all-out "confrontational movement" against private media. He wants leftist activists - through incessant political pressure - and the government - through the creation of a totally untenable operating environment of fees, fines and regulations - to work together to force the commercial broadcasters out, to be replaced by public broadcasters.
It is clear through his own statements that he admires socialist dictator Hugo Chavez and intends to “tweak” our First Amendment to insure that those pesky journalists, radio personalities and yes, even bloggers won’t interfere in Obama’s own “incredible revolution”. If threatening the First Amendment isn’t enough to scare you, did you notice that little dig about the “private land owners” in Venezuela that tried to oust Chavez? I have learned the hard way that nothing these people say is an accident and if he felt the need to refer to private land owners in a passing comment, you can be damned sure that personal property rights are just as much in question now as private healthcare insurance is.
According to Columnist Paul R. Hollrah, "After arriving at Occidental College (in Los Angeles), Obama chose his friends carefully. He tells us in his memoir that, among his friends he included "the more politically active black students, foreign students, Chicanos, Marxist professors, feminists, and punk rock performance poets."
"Then, after transferring to Columbia University two years later, he found that "political discussions, the kind that at Occidental had once seemed so intense and purposeful," took on the flavor of the "socialist conferences" he sometimes attended at New York's Coopers Union.""As Obama was preparing to graduate from Columbia he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Finally, in 1983, he decided to follow in the footsteps of one of his heroes, radical leftist and communist fellow traveler, Saul Alinsky.
Andy Stern, another believer in Alinsky and President of SEIU, has visited the White House twenty-two times since Obama was sworn in. This is the same Andy Stern that was recently quoted as saying “Workers of the world unite is no longer just a saying.” Hmmm? I wonder what he meant by that?
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