Nominated for Best New Political Blog of 2009


Friday, March 26, 2010

Target 2010 - Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)

Texas has always remained a highly independent State, especially where politics have been concerned. They consider anyone living north of the Red River a “Yankee” and have often joked that the difference between a Yankee and a Damned Yankee was that a Damned Yankee shows up with a moving truck. The problem with Damned Yankees is they also show up with a desire to alter the political landscape whenever they get where they are going and for the most part, their Liberal leanings are at odds with the Libertarian and Conservative beliefs engrained in Texas’s rich heritage.

Having been born in Queens, New York, Sheila Jackson Lee certainly qualifies as a Damned Yankee. Ms. Lee showed up in Houston Texas with her moving truck in 1975 after her husband, Dr. Elwyn Lee, secured a position at the University of Houston. Having received a degree in Political Science from Yale, Sheila Jackson Lee then pursued a degree in law (Juris Doctor or J.D.) from the University of Virginia Law School. In many cases, the study of Political Science infects people with warped ideas on how to use law to affect ideological change rather than reinforcing the traditional view of law as a societal tool to maintain peace and stability within the structure of the Constitution.

Having been armed with a sufficient quantity of Socialist ideals and the degrees needed to spread them throughout society, Sheila Jackson Lee made three attempts to obtain a local judgeship before being appointed as a municipal judge in 1987 by then Mayor of Houston, Kathryn J. Whitmire. Whitmire, who was the first woman mayor of Houston was a former professor of Political Science at the University of Maryland’s Burns Leadership Academy and a Progressive Democrat herself. As a former professor of Political Science, Whitmire understood the importance of establishing a Progressive presence in the court system so that they can begin the work of tweaking existing legislation in favor of their ideological goals and Sheila Jackson Lee had the credentials of someone she could trust to do just that.

The position of municipal judge was the springboard Jackson Lee needed to thrust her into the public arena. In 1989, Jackson Lee won a seat on the Houston City Council where she continued her mission of chipping away at Constitutional rights to forward the Progressive agenda. A major impediment to the ultimate Progressive goal of collapsing the US Constitution is the 2nd Amendment and Texans had traditionally guarded the 2nd Amendment with passion. To chip away at that right, Jackson Lee used the Alinsky trick of framing the argument to elicit the answers she wanted. If minor changes can be made to local law that would impose slight limits on gun owners, then those minor changes could be used later as a precedent for more control and limits.

Jackson Lee launched her assault by pushing a gun safety ordinance that would punish parents that failed to keep weapons away from their children. Alinsky and Jackson Lee both knew that no one would argue against the idea of keeping guns away from children but this wasn’t about children; this was about taking the first step towards gun control in an area that predominantly favored gun ownership. Every community already has laws specifically designed to protect children and punish those, including parents, that would endanger a child. Current law provided all the muscle local law enforcement needed to safeguard children against reckless parents but what it didn’t do was raise a question about owning guns and that is what Jackson Lee wanted. Of course Sheila Jackson Lee was elected to Congress, assuming office in January of 1995 so any interest she may have had to continue her fight against gun owners would now have to take place in the national arena.

I have always maintained that Progressives are the single greatest threat to America because they a gang of closet subversives that clothe themselves as part of the mainstream and speak the language of Middle America while exercising a carefully crafted strategy designed to transform America into another “Socialist Utopia” one law at a time. Saul Alinsky laid the groundwork out in his book “Rules for Radicals” where he stated quite clearly that to obtain their ultimate goal; Progressives must hide their agenda and be willing to accept small steps towards achieving a larger goal. He recognized that Americans would fight tooth and nail against major changes but could be nudged into accepting Socialism one piece at a time; especially if they thought they were getting great benefits from the government for a small investment of taxes or minor freedoms. Progressives pray upon the generous nature of the American culture and sell their ideas on the premise that government programs are just an extension of their own charity.

Sheila Jackson Lee is not only a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus but a member of the Congressional Black Caucus as well. That is also in keeping with Alinsky’s strategy of framing the argument to achieve results instead of actually engaging in honest dialogue. A favorite technique of Progressives is to claim that any opposition to their plans is motivated by hate rather than political ideology. For the past fifty years, they have successfully branded anyone that opposed their agenda as racists fighting against social justice for poor and minority Americans. That was actually very effective until just recently. After all, it’s hard to throw claims around about racism when the United States has a greater degree of racial diversity in local, State and Federal government than any other nation on the planet. The idea that Barack Obama was elected by such a wide margin should have shut down any argument of societal racism in America but the left still tries. The difference is that the charges are now so ludicrous that they just haven’t been able to gain the same traction they once did.

Progressives like Sheila Jackson Lee are actually doing America a favor. They have become so emboldened by their recent victories that many have tossed out Alinsky principals and have begun to publically air their real agenda instead of sneaking in through the basement a piece at a time. That is why the independent and Conservative people in this nation have been so actively opposed to the President’s plans. American’s still don’t like sweeping change and they have never liked Socialists. Most Americans can’t even utter the word Socialist without out getting a sour taste in their mouths.

Sheila Jackson Lee actually considers the Marxist regime of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez as “friendly” to the United States and has proposed relaxing the U.S. ban on weapon sales to that nation. She also has continued her fight against the 2nd Amendment and co-sponsored a bill that would restrict the ownership of so-called “assault” weapons; a bill that has such a loose interpretation of what an assault weapon is that it would have been a major blow against the lawful ownership of hundreds of weapon classes and accessories. Keep your eyes open because they are not done with this one yet. If they are going to seize the control they need over the population to realize their dreams then the first thing that has to be done is the elimination of privately owned weapons and they will use any means at their disposal to bring that about.

Sheila Jackson Lee still hasn’t learned that with her election to Congress, she has a responsibility to display obedience to the law and that adherence is obviously optional to Jackson Lee. In 2006, she was one of five Congressman and six other activists that were arrested for disorderly conduct during a protest in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington. Strangely, Jackson Lee spoke very harshly about the Tea Party protests in front of the Capitol this past weekend despite her own penchant for angry protest. What she didn’t mention in her news appearances on the issue is that none of the Tea Party members were arrested as she was, so their protests apparently did not contain the same level of intensity as her own. Truthfully, there would have been no incidents at all during the Tea Party protests last week if Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress had chosen their usual route to the Capitol Building. Instead, they walked through the crowd in an act of open defiance against the protest. In the end, it was Pelosi’s insistence on flaunting the impending vote in the faces of the protesting crowd that served to inflame them.

Sheila Jackson Lee was prominently mentioned during the town hall meeting protests over healthcare last August. She was the only member of Congress that was so blatantly indifferent to her constituent’s concerns that she continued to carry on cell phone conversations while people were speaking at the meeting. I’ve been in meetings that were very important and the general rule of courtesy is to turn the phone off, let an aide take messages or at the bare minimum, to turn it to silent ring. As a member of Congress pledged to represent her district, there should have been nothing more important than to hear from the people she speaks for.

Sheila Jackson Lee is one of the people that least deserves re-election. There was no doubt that she would vote for the healthcare bill because it fits the Socialist agenda that she supports. She didn’t bother to read any of it because it didn’t matter…..she was going to vote for it regardless of what it contained or how many of her constituents openly despised it. If re-elected, she will certainly continue on her march to bring about her Progressive idea of a Socialist America; an ideology shared and promoted by President Barack Obama.



  1. GreatArticle!
    Queen Sheila Jackson-Lee is an embarrassment to Houston, Texas, and the USA & needs to be FIRED! Support John Faulk for Congress - I do and I don't live in his district.
    Faulk for Congress on Facebook (
    Faulk for Congress on Twitter (

  2. This is a very well written and factual article. There is even more facts that need to be told i.e. Key Lay picking SJL to run, unethical junkets, late filing of financial disclosure statement, staff involved in City of Houston Elderly Home repaire fiasco.
    I am John Faulk and I need everyone's help to defeat one of the most Liberal/Progressive members of Congress. You do not have to live in the TX 18 CD to help. Just willing to be a Patriot and defend the Constitution.

  3. Thank you, thank you! I live in TX18 and would love nothing better than to see SJLee booted out of office.

  4. I also do not live in TX18, I too am work and support John Faulk for Congress!

  5. SJL is the least regarded member of Congress. She is a socialist of the first order and a threat to all Democracy and individual freedom in America. She will be defeated by John Faulk this November. Please vote her out, I will vote Faulk. Faulk for Congress, District 18 in November.

  6. Thank you for the kind remarks. In preparation for the November election, I am preparing a series of articles called "Target 2010" that profile the members of Congress that are least deserving of reelection that I hope you will find informative and interesting.

    I'm sure you realize what a task that is since the reality is that most must go and strict term limits be placed on the rest. The people I am profiling will be the worst of the worst but that by no means, lets the rest of them off the hook.

    Go green....recycle Congress in 2010!

  7. I don't live in her district, but Jackson has got to go! I am open to joining a committe specifically targeted at getting her voted OUT!

  8. To M Bradford, look up John Faulk at, find him on twitter @FaulkCD18, or search for him on Facebook. It's already been stated, you don't need to live within the district to offer and be able to support your friends and neighbors that are forced to be represented by SJL.
