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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Al Gore - Eco-activist or Idiot?

As if Al Gore hasn’t done enough to damage his credibility through the discrepancies and exaggerations found in his film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, his latest rants have taken him from inconsequential to irresponsible. Recently, he equated those that disagree with his dismal outlook on the future of planet earth with the “birther” movement that does not believe that President Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States. Now, I do agree that there is a connection between both groups because of the common reasoning behind their beliefs, or rather, refusal to believe.

President Obama spent $900,000 in legal fees during his campaign for the sole purpose of sealing every scrap of personal information about his life. From school transcripts to law firm client lists, everything has been methodically and deliberately hidden. Neither Obama nor his staff will address the questions surrounding the inconsistencies in the information contained on the birth certificate he provided to the election board. The President could have quickly put this issue to rest by obtaining and releasing an official copy of the document but instead, has chosen to ignore this while his staff dutifully attacks anyone that dares ask the question. While several legal actions had been filed by active duty military personnel regarding his legitimacy as the Commander in Chief, every one of the pending cases were eventually dismissed, yielding to pressure from the Federal Justice Department.

Similarly, Al Gore refuses to answer questions about the inconsistencies and outright exaggerations found in his film. Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer is director and producer of “Not Evil, Just Wrong”, a film which debunks global warming, sea level rise and draws attention to the errors in Gore’s film. Mr. McAleer attended a conference at which Al Gore was promoting his agenda on climate change. During the conference’s question and answer segment, Mr. McAleer questioned Gore on the flaws in “An Inconvenient Truth”. Rather than answer Mr. McAleer’s questions, Al Gore simply instructed his staff to turn off the microphone McAleer was using.

IPCC has been caught manipulating tree ring data to obtain their famous “hockey stick” graph which they used to show the world that there was a rapid and unusual spike in global temperatures over the past 50 years; a graph that other scientists have never been able to duplicate. NASA’s James Hanson also released a report widely used by Gore as his empirical proof of global warning but this report too, has been criticized by scientific researchers that have been unable to reach the same conclusions that Mr. Hanson did. Repeated attempts have been made to secure the data that Hanson used to construct his theories but in each case, Hanson has refused to release his data to anyone, further adding to the questions surrounding his report’s scientific accuracy.

People have even questioned Al Gore’s motives in his push for climate legislation. Since he has made heavy investments in the tracking technology that would be required under these proposals, he is now uniquely positioned to capitalize on the Copenhagen accords and the Climate bill. Many arguments have been made that Mr. Gore is “putting his money where his mouth is” and he is simply investing in green technologies as would anyone that believes this is necessary to promote a healthy eco-society but those arguments fall short when Mr. Gore’s lifestyle is examined.

Mr. Gore travels frequently by private plane, which according to his own beliefs is the largest possible carbon footprint any individual could stamp on this “fragile planet”. His home energy consumption is also reported to be ten times higher than that of the average American household. Even the ultra liberal organization PETA has questioned his sincerity since his consumption of meat is tied to the domestic production of animals that are widely known for their emissions of huge quantities of methane, a gas that is twenty times more potent as a greenhouse agent than carbon Dioxide.

Additionally, if Mr. Gore truly believed that climate change is a critical threat to the planet he would have really “put his money where his mouth is” and aired his film on PBS and network channels but immediately after the films theater run it went to cable television as a PPV (pay per view) product. Three years later, DVD’s are still being sold and the only televised airings have been on pay channels like HBO and Cinemax.

In all fairness, fifty-thousand free copies of the film were offered to National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) here in the United States, who to their credit, refused to accept the film. Regardless of the published reasons for refusing the videos, I am sure the NTSA recognized the legal ramifications of airing a film that had already been found flawed by the UK courts. The Courts in Britain eventually required that educators wishing to show the film in the UK would also have to distribute disclaimers to the students regarding the flaws in the films assertions. Parents in America have also been vigilant and vocally angry over the recent attempts by liberal factions to “indoctrinate” our youth into any agenda, political, green or otherwise and I am sure that played a part in the NSTA decision as well.

In the face of these “Al-egations” and setbacks, Mr. Gore remains insistent that the crisis is real. Of course he does, he stands to lose millions if the Climate bill fails and that is enough to make it a real crisis for him. The mounting evidence against global warming has not been publically or scientifically refuted beyond the incessant reiteration of the original fraudulent studies and global warming proponents have recently dropped the name “global warming” altogether, now calling the threat “climate change” rather than try to explain earths recent cooling trends.

Just as in the election recount of 2000, Mr. Gore is stamping his feet and crying foul as public support for the theory of global warming, climate change or whatever they will call it next, evaporates. Instead of answering the questions of critics or bringing new and honest scientific data that supports the need for immediate action, Al has decided to act like a child and encourage the youth of this nation to join him in an “environmental tantrum”.

Mr. Gore spoke before a gathering of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York last week. In his speech, he urged young people to engage in civil disobedience on behalf of the planet. It is his claim that "the world has lost ground to the climate crisis." adding "if you're a young person looking at the future of this planet and looking at what is being done right now, and not done, I believe we have reached the stage where it is time for civil disobedience to prevent the construction of new coal plants that do not have carbon capture and sequestration,"

As a man that served as Vice President for eight years and very nearly became President, one would think that Gore would have a better opinion of the democratic process not to mention a higher regard for the rule of law. Mr. Gore, before you encourage the youth of this nation to break the law to save your own investments, you need to look at the reasons that your claims are not being taken seriously. The scientific reports that you staked your reputation on, were based on criminally manipulated data and cartoon science. Face it; you got a D on your homework because you copied the homework from the books of cheaters and rather than answer serious questions, you attack the people asking the questions.

You had the opportunity to sway opinion but you lost that chance when your staff started turning off microphones and labeling critics as crazy because they wouldn’t “drink the Kool-Aid” that the rest of your devoted followers guzzle by the gallon. Let’s face it; it is your own fault that most people don’t believe you anymore. The truth is, I don’t think I would matter if you answered the questions now because you have damaged your credibility so baldy that very few people would even bother to wonder what you think. I would hope that even though you never actually became President that you might grow up and find some of the dignity that former Presidents usually display. Write your memoirs, now that your film has made you millions you can even build a library, but for heaven’s sake, leave us alone and stop encouraging our children and young adults to break the law because your feelings are hurt.


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