There is nothing more fearful than a radical college professor that has been given the chance to experiment with his social theories outside of the controlled environment of the laboratory. Every policy of the Obama administration can be traced back to the development of his Progressive roots when he was rubbing elbows with Marxist professors and fellow student activists at Columbia and Harvard. That only helped to complete his indoctrination since both of his parents were already avowed Socialists and by the time he finished school, Young Barack couldn’t wait to take what he had learned and find a practical application for it.
Barack Obama began teaching Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School in 1992 but curiously enough, the only photograph I have seen of Mr. Obama standing before his class clearly shows him drawing a chart on the blackboard that is taken right from Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals”. The chart he was drawing had nothing at all to do with the Constitution or law but was intended to display the evils of Capitalism and how Marxist principals could be applied to correct the problems. This lesson in Alinsky would do nothing to further the education needs of law students other than show them the social methods that could be used to subvert the Constitution in the name of social justice, economic justice or sociological jurisprudence; a lesson that Mr. Obama would put into practice throughout his life.
His efforts as a community organizer weren’t a display of some overwhelming urge to help the poor of Chicago but were taken directly from the pages of Cloward and Piven. Their strategy to overwhelm and disrupt the existing social network in order to bring about the collapse of the Capitalist system is something that has been attempted by radical Progressives since the mid 1960’s. This strategy was what nearly caused the total collapse of New York State’s economy in the 1970’s as another one of Obama’s heroes, George Wiley, embarked on a mission to enroll as many people on welfare as possible, eventually throwing New York into financial ruin when by the mid ‘70’s, there was one person collecting welfare for every two people paying taxes.
Cloward and Piven’s theories suggest that the status quo will remain in place unless it is totally overwhelmed and the threat of social upheaval that will necessarily follow frightens people into accept anything that would restore order and provide security. They postulated that the only system that could restore that order now that so many people were dependent on government programs would be a Socialist State that could finally redistribute wealth on a grand scale. Of course the limited successes that they had only proved the theory but they would have to move beyond local meddling and be able to create that kind of havoc on a national scale needed to realize their goals. Motor voter laws, community organizing, radical upheaval and union activism are all part of that nationalization of the Cloward Piven Strategy but to have a national effect, they need willing accomplices holding national office.
The Progressive movement has been cultivating power in Washington for just about 100 years and the proof is there. Our first truly Progressive President was Theodore Roosevelt and wouldn’t you know it; he also attended Columbia University and Harvard. Those places must be a breeding ground for anti-capitalist Marxists because that is what they overwhelmingly produce. Theodore Roosevelt came from a staunchly Democratic family but somehow, he ended up as a Republican by the time his political career took shape. There is a good reason for that. The Democratic Party, at that time, was very different than it is today and they had no room for pseudo-Socialists that dreamed of the European ideas that threatened to restrain the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. In fact, you can call Theodore Roosevelt the first RINO (Republican in name only) too as Roosevelt went on to form the Bull Moose Party when the Republicans began to reject his Progressive ideas. He left the convention calling his people to follow him and formed his Progressive Party under the banner that the Federal government must intervene to protect the people from selfish interests. Hmmm? That sounds awfully familiar doesn’t it?
I looked but most historians just don’t speak about his insatiable desire to reign in power from the States to transform our limited Federal government into the seat of national control. He was the first President to give us a massive new Federal agency; The Food and Drug Administration. The FDA would begin the process of redefining the limits of Federal power; extended that power beyond interstate commerce and into the activities of the sovereign States. Roosevelt also created the National Park system seizing more that two-hundred and thirty million acres of land; ostensibly to preserve it for America’s posterity but while some of that land contained spectacular vistas and rich wilderness deserving of protection, there were also enormous tracts of land that were of value only because of their natural resources.
Much like Franklin Roosevelt spoke of the “New Deal”; Johnson promoted the “Great Society” and Obama speaks of “Social Justice” and redistributive policy, Theodore Roosevelt enjoyed talking about his “Square Deal”. While Roosevelt never really got his square deal off the ground, it clearly was the first attempt by an American President to bring the ideas of Marx, Engels and Nietzsche to America. While Roosevelt was born too early to have heard the phrase “redistribution”, his square deal was based entirely on those principals. He also firmly believed in Federal regulatory control over corporations and corporate special interests.
So here we are in 2010 and we have a Progressive President that not only attended the Marxist breeding grounds of Columbia and Harvard but has taught those principals as a professor. He learned Alinsky very well and the most important of Alinsky’s rules; to walk, talk and look like a middle class American to gain trust before you attempt to tear the rug out from under the unsuspecting masses. He claims that he is not a Socialist; that his programs are not Bolshevik plots and he is right. He’s not a Socialist or a Bolshevik….he is a Progressive. Socialists bring about change through violent revolution and Bolsheviks were deemed out of existence by Joseph Stalin. Progressives believe in the same ideals as Socialists but they are masters of illusion that will lull us to sleep as they bring about transformative change; slowly shifting us towards a Socialist society piece by piece using our own economic system and laws against us.
Obama’s fiscal policies run counter to every known principal of economic law for dealing with a recession. He has quadrupled a deficit that he called reckless during his campaign and his own estimates say that the national debt will now double in ten years. Instead of cutting spending and taxes he has spent more than three-quarters of a trillion dollars on economic stimulus spending that has added another three points to the unemployment index while raising taxes by more than two trillion dollars. He has been an unqualified failure in National Security and nearly every trip and meeting he has had has either emboldened our enemies or insulted our allies. His anti-terrorism policies have granted constitutional rights to foreign combatants and while he plans to add 100 agents to review the no-fly list, ironically his healthcare bill will add nearly 17,000 IRS agents just to make sure you buy health insurance. Call me silly but don’t you think his hiring practices should go the other way around?
Now we are entering phase two. The millions that will be added to Medicaid under the healthcare bill aren’t enough yet to bankrupt the States so we are about to add immigration reform to his list of priorities. That will make those twenty million illegal immigrants eligible for public assistance programs once they are all amnestied. Add that to the massive tax increases we will see under the President’s Cap and Tax Energy Bill and we should be just about ready for the final Cloward and Pivens implosion of our society.
Remember Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel said, “never let a good crisis go to waste”. They are well aware that during the depth of the Great Depression FDR’s advisers had told him to be prepared to assume dictatorial powers to face the crisis at hand. Obama and his band of Marxist and Maoist advisers skulking around the White House have already planned the next great crisis; a crisis that they most assuredly will not let go to waste.
Barack Obama began teaching Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School in 1992 but curiously enough, the only photograph I have seen of Mr. Obama standing before his class clearly shows him drawing a chart on the blackboard that is taken right from Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals”. The chart he was drawing had nothing at all to do with the Constitution or law but was intended to display the evils of Capitalism and how Marxist principals could be applied to correct the problems. This lesson in Alinsky would do nothing to further the education needs of law students other than show them the social methods that could be used to subvert the Constitution in the name of social justice, economic justice or sociological jurisprudence; a lesson that Mr. Obama would put into practice throughout his life.
His efforts as a community organizer weren’t a display of some overwhelming urge to help the poor of Chicago but were taken directly from the pages of Cloward and Piven. Their strategy to overwhelm and disrupt the existing social network in order to bring about the collapse of the Capitalist system is something that has been attempted by radical Progressives since the mid 1960’s. This strategy was what nearly caused the total collapse of New York State’s economy in the 1970’s as another one of Obama’s heroes, George Wiley, embarked on a mission to enroll as many people on welfare as possible, eventually throwing New York into financial ruin when by the mid ‘70’s, there was one person collecting welfare for every two people paying taxes.
Cloward and Piven’s theories suggest that the status quo will remain in place unless it is totally overwhelmed and the threat of social upheaval that will necessarily follow frightens people into accept anything that would restore order and provide security. They postulated that the only system that could restore that order now that so many people were dependent on government programs would be a Socialist State that could finally redistribute wealth on a grand scale. Of course the limited successes that they had only proved the theory but they would have to move beyond local meddling and be able to create that kind of havoc on a national scale needed to realize their goals. Motor voter laws, community organizing, radical upheaval and union activism are all part of that nationalization of the Cloward Piven Strategy but to have a national effect, they need willing accomplices holding national office.
The Progressive movement has been cultivating power in Washington for just about 100 years and the proof is there. Our first truly Progressive President was Theodore Roosevelt and wouldn’t you know it; he also attended Columbia University and Harvard. Those places must be a breeding ground for anti-capitalist Marxists because that is what they overwhelmingly produce. Theodore Roosevelt came from a staunchly Democratic family but somehow, he ended up as a Republican by the time his political career took shape. There is a good reason for that. The Democratic Party, at that time, was very different than it is today and they had no room for pseudo-Socialists that dreamed of the European ideas that threatened to restrain the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. In fact, you can call Theodore Roosevelt the first RINO (Republican in name only) too as Roosevelt went on to form the Bull Moose Party when the Republicans began to reject his Progressive ideas. He left the convention calling his people to follow him and formed his Progressive Party under the banner that the Federal government must intervene to protect the people from selfish interests. Hmmm? That sounds awfully familiar doesn’t it?
I looked but most historians just don’t speak about his insatiable desire to reign in power from the States to transform our limited Federal government into the seat of national control. He was the first President to give us a massive new Federal agency; The Food and Drug Administration. The FDA would begin the process of redefining the limits of Federal power; extended that power beyond interstate commerce and into the activities of the sovereign States. Roosevelt also created the National Park system seizing more that two-hundred and thirty million acres of land; ostensibly to preserve it for America’s posterity but while some of that land contained spectacular vistas and rich wilderness deserving of protection, there were also enormous tracts of land that were of value only because of their natural resources.
Much like Franklin Roosevelt spoke of the “New Deal”; Johnson promoted the “Great Society” and Obama speaks of “Social Justice” and redistributive policy, Theodore Roosevelt enjoyed talking about his “Square Deal”. While Roosevelt never really got his square deal off the ground, it clearly was the first attempt by an American President to bring the ideas of Marx, Engels and Nietzsche to America. While Roosevelt was born too early to have heard the phrase “redistribution”, his square deal was based entirely on those principals. He also firmly believed in Federal regulatory control over corporations and corporate special interests.
So here we are in 2010 and we have a Progressive President that not only attended the Marxist breeding grounds of Columbia and Harvard but has taught those principals as a professor. He learned Alinsky very well and the most important of Alinsky’s rules; to walk, talk and look like a middle class American to gain trust before you attempt to tear the rug out from under the unsuspecting masses. He claims that he is not a Socialist; that his programs are not Bolshevik plots and he is right. He’s not a Socialist or a Bolshevik….he is a Progressive. Socialists bring about change through violent revolution and Bolsheviks were deemed out of existence by Joseph Stalin. Progressives believe in the same ideals as Socialists but they are masters of illusion that will lull us to sleep as they bring about transformative change; slowly shifting us towards a Socialist society piece by piece using our own economic system and laws against us.
Obama’s fiscal policies run counter to every known principal of economic law for dealing with a recession. He has quadrupled a deficit that he called reckless during his campaign and his own estimates say that the national debt will now double in ten years. Instead of cutting spending and taxes he has spent more than three-quarters of a trillion dollars on economic stimulus spending that has added another three points to the unemployment index while raising taxes by more than two trillion dollars. He has been an unqualified failure in National Security and nearly every trip and meeting he has had has either emboldened our enemies or insulted our allies. His anti-terrorism policies have granted constitutional rights to foreign combatants and while he plans to add 100 agents to review the no-fly list, ironically his healthcare bill will add nearly 17,000 IRS agents just to make sure you buy health insurance. Call me silly but don’t you think his hiring practices should go the other way around?
Now we are entering phase two. The millions that will be added to Medicaid under the healthcare bill aren’t enough yet to bankrupt the States so we are about to add immigration reform to his list of priorities. That will make those twenty million illegal immigrants eligible for public assistance programs once they are all amnestied. Add that to the massive tax increases we will see under the President’s Cap and Tax Energy Bill and we should be just about ready for the final Cloward and Pivens implosion of our society.
Remember Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel said, “never let a good crisis go to waste”. They are well aware that during the depth of the Great Depression FDR’s advisers had told him to be prepared to assume dictatorial powers to face the crisis at hand. Obama and his band of Marxist and Maoist advisers skulking around the White House have already planned the next great crisis; a crisis that they most assuredly will not let go to waste.
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