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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back to School: Obama and Alinsky

Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results. There are some exceptions to that rule. The lonely romantic searching internet dating sites and community socials for that one special match; the casual gambler that plays his ten dollars worth of lottery tickets every week for that remote possibility that this week he will hold the winning ticket and of course, the devoted fans of the Boston Red Sox that shed both the “Curse of the Bambino” and the suspicions of insanity when Boston swept the Cardinals in the 2004 World Series.

Of course there is a darker side to the list of exceptions to Einstein’s rule. The shady criminal that checks random homes for an unlocked door or open window; the con artist that makes a thousand pitches before bilking some unsuspecting dupe for their bank information and passwords and the radical ideologues looking for that crack in America’s armor so they can bring us one step closer to their vision of a utopian socialist society.

One would think that Obama would have gotten the message last year when he tried to infuse his address to America’s students with those curious accompanying materials asking students what they can do to help the President achieve his goals. Of course he had Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Education, to blame that on and managed to effectively distance himself from the criticism even though the nation was in an uproar with many parents keeping their children home from school that day, even in districts where the school boards had announced an “opt-out” alternative for the President’s speech.

As reported in the Conservative Blog, “Atlas Shrugs”, an Atlas reader, Chuck, has a student in the eleventh grade in an Ohio High School. Her government class passed out what can only be described as a propaganda recruiting paper so students could sign up as interns for Obama's Organizing for America. OFA is the post-election manifestation of the former campaign site of Barack Obama, Obama for America. Their report on the latest school story can be found at:

Obama is now being accused using our public school system to recruit for an Alinsky-inspired private army. Organizing for America is clearly recruiting in our schools to, as they say, "build on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering students across the country to help us bring about our agenda" and has created an intern program centered on the President’s experience with community organizing.

The Ohio High School in question is Perry Local in Massillon, Ohio. In all fairness to the Perry Local High School and to the Massillon school board, this was not a concerted effort by the School Board or even Perry Local High School to carry out the agenda distributed by the Obama Administration. This was the action of a single teacher that violated a school mandate prohibiting the distribution of political materials to the students. The local Fox affiliate in Ohio correctly reported on the incident in their usual fair and balanced style, allowing the School Board to answer the charges directly. That report can be seen here:,0,1279152.story

Unfortunately that does not mean that Organizing for America is not guilty of trying to indoctrinate the young vulnerable minds of America’s youth into the radical movement currently being used to assault our nation. It is clear what the intent is by reading the application itself and OFA’s website itself, says they are targeting key States, listing Ohio as one of them.

For those that think the words “indoctrination” and “radicalization” are too strong, one need only review the recommended reading list on page four of the application to gain a glimpse into the goals of the intern program.

Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky
The New Organizers, Zack Exley
Stir It Up: Lessons from Community Organizing and Advocacy, Rinku Sen
Obama Field Organizers Plot a Miracle, Zack Exley, Huffington Post
Dreams of My Father Chicago Chapters, Barack Hussein Obama

At a time when Poland’s former President, Lech Walesa, claims that the United States has lost its position as the moral leaders of the world, the President’s own website is suggesting that our students read Alinsky? Alinsky was a firm believer in the Marxist philosophy that the ends justify the means and it was perfectly acceptable to lie, cheat and steal so long as one’s political goals were victorious. I would think that the President of the United States would want to bring out the best in America’s youth and would be, as past President’s were, an advocate of honor, truth and virtue. No, Obama taught Alinsky as a professor and used Alinsky theory while “organizing” communities prior to his political career. This latest effort to indoctrinate our youth in opposition to the parent’s wishes is just another manifestation of “the ends justify the means”.

I know the left goes crazy when the right links Obama to other fascist leaders but what do they expect when we see the same tactics reemerging on school property? Is there no parallel between OFA’s internship for high school students and the efforts of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin to make sure that the youth of their nations were “properly educated” in politics? The fact remains that each of those leaders targeted youth because it was much easier to bring about a “fundamental transformation” of their societies when you start with children that have not formed an opinion yet. The only thing that can stop an agenda like that is to boldly point it out wherever it is found. Radicals, like vampires, cannot live in the light of day.

Part of the left’s strategy is to misrepresent the resistance to Obama’s radical agenda, including these attempts to infect our children with worthless Marxist drivel; after all, the ends justify the means. Air America’s Janeane Garofalo and former President Jimmy Carter along with MSNBC’s Chris Mathews and Keith Olbermann would have you believe that the fight against the “Obamanista’s” are all about race. They constantly accuse that a broad spectrum of the American people are only displaying their bigotry when they are angered by Obama’s tax and spend initiatives or when they bring these school-aged indoctrination efforts under fire. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The resistance to Obama is not based in black versus white bigotry but is rather, a Marxist versus the Constitution patriotism.

You must admit it is a brilliant scheme though. The President did learn to stay away from the fray. After all, even the Secretary of Education was still too close to him the last time. Now they are sneaking these things into the schools through their army of Kool-Aid drinking, want-to be organizers devoted to Obama’s agenda through the poisonous tendrils emanating from Obama’s own Organizing for America. So a teacher violates a rule here or there. The message is still out there and both the school board and the President can claim no responsibility for the infraction if they are caught. As far as the President has tried to remain from the center of this latest drive to radicalize our children there are still nagging little reminders everywhere; such as the National Education Association’s suggested reading list. They are ardent supporters of Obama so it is really no surprise that they also suggest the reading of Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”.

Instead of healthcare reform maybe we need education reform? If we had only taught the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and an accurate history of America over the past one hundred years, we probably wouldn’t need healthcare reform, welfare, Medicaid or a flood of stimulus bills…now would we.


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